My Poor Ash…
Ash tree, trash tree, cash tree, whatever you call it and whatever perspective you have on the Emerald Ash Borer it is a very real problem to the GTA. With roughly 860,000 Ash trees in the city of Toronto and similar numbers in the surrounding cities, the chances of you owning one, or someone on your street is near 100%.
Is there anything I can do? Yes, there is treatments for the pest, however treatments are not guaranteed to work and the later we leave it the less chance the tree has to respond. The damage may already be done unfortunately. So then at this point removal is the only viable option.
However at Parker Tree Care Ltd we are running an initiative where we try and limit the shock to the environment. So whenever we remove a tree (Ash or other) we will plant 2!

Schedule a free consultation with us to get more information about how we can help with your tree removal project. We’ll come to your location to scout the project.
At Parker Tree Care Ltd we know how valuable trees are to our eco system. We don’t want to become a “just cut it down” company, however we understand that sometimes we have to cut down trees to prevent damage, injuries, or just for decline in health. So our promise to the planet is this: FOR EVERY TREE WE REMOVE WE WILL PLANT 2 using Local and international planting projects.
Our footprint is in Ontario so we will try and keep as many tree plantings in Ontario as possible.